Which Denver companies might buy Mile High’s naming rights?

Go Broncos! #Playoffs #Broncos pic.twitter.com/Nk1gyD1pAk
— Quiznos (@Quiznos) January 17, 2016
Getting Toasted: Quiznos?
The first Quiznos was located at the corner of 13th and Grant Street in Denver, opening way back in 1981.
The fast food sandwich shop had grown to more than 5,000 locations by 2007. Following a brutal few years and a bankruptcy, the chain is now down to a lean and mean 1,500 stores worldwide, with around 900 of those in the United States.
Quiznos claims to have worked out their debt issues and righted the ship. The chain is seeking out new franchisees and, while sponsoring Mile High Stadium would be an expensive move, it would also be a prestigious way to get a lot of national exposure for their big comeback.
The company has some experience with sports marketing, including a stint as the NHL’s fast food sponsor more than a decade ago. It didn’t go all that well.
The Verdict: Quiznos seems to have just gotten themselves out of a financial jam. Sponsoring an NFL stadium, even if they would be getting a really good deal, is probably biting off a little more than the company can chew at the moment.
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