Denver Broncos: Three Reactions to the Flacco News

The Broncos are in trouble.
As mentioned above, there’s a lot of repair and maintenance that needs to occur on the Denver roster. Foremost, in my opinion is quarterback. We detailed three possibilities earlier. The draft options remain, the free agent window has likely closed with the addition of Flacco.
The biggest complaint anyone can level against Kyler Murray is that he’s too small for NFL contact. Not that nobody doubts his ability, just his size. By the logic employed by most today, Phillip Lindsay and Chris Harris Jr. also are unable to play in the NFL due to size restrictions that, as a friend pointed out, have been repeatedly debunked.
The list of players six feet tall and under that have had success in the NFL is long and littered with great players. The idea of Lindsay and Murray in the same backfield is intriguing and gives a first-time offensive coordinator the ability to build an identity with very talented skill players.
Dwayne Haskins is much more of the pocket passer that Elway prefers but he also does not sport the frame that the Broncos GM can’t seem to quit. John likes tall quarterbacks, it’s a thing people know about.
So, if Denver ventures into the QB pool in the first round of the draft, it’s likely they will look at Drew Lock. For my money, there’s two things to know about Lock. He has accuracy issues, a death sentence for an NFL quarterback. At best, Lock can be Jay Cutler and that’s just not going to get Denver where they or their fans want to be.
If they draft for the positions we mentioned in the beginning, using their nine picks to enhance the roster for a ‘win now’ style run, they will still need a quarterback to have any success. That guy is Murray but there is slim chance Elway looks his direction. Broncos stans, convinced that Elway is doing his best Monty Hall and hasn’t finished wheeling and dealing are in for a rude awakening when we roll into the season with Lock and Flacco (Wacka Flocko Lame?) laughably unable to get Denver back into contention.
Kyler Murray. 10. 45. Profile. QB. Oklahoma. player. Pick Analysis
What then? At what point has Elway spent his player capital and has to answer for his QB decisions? It’s disheartening to watch other teams be bold while the Broncos stay in the narrow band of Elway’s decisions.
The hits just keep on coming.