Which Denver companies might buy Mile High’s naming rights?

There are a lot of people outside our office. Probably here for the incredible selection of domain names. #Broncos pic.twitter.com/eprJGUcMGQ
— Name.com (@namedotcom) February 9, 2016
A Few Other Possibilities
Chipotle – Another restaurant chain that was born in Colorado and, like Quiznos, one that has seen better days. The first Chipotle opened in a former Dolly Madison Ice Cream store at 1644 East Evans Avenue, near the University of Denver. Recent food safety issues have dominated the news and serious hurt the company’s public image — maybe sponsoring Mile High could be part of a positive PR campaign to rehabilitate the brand?
Level 3 Communications – Huge internet service and communications network provider that’s based in Broomfield. The company is publicly traded and banked more than $2 billion in revenue during the first quarter of this year. It’s possible to imagine them throwing down the cash just for the heck of it.
Name.com – Domain name registrar and web hosting company based in Denver, they are big Broncos fans if their Twitter feed is to be believed. Larger rival GoDaddy has long sponsored sporting events, including NASCAR drivers and a college bowl game.
Von Miller – Just kidding. Or are we? Hey, he’s got the cash and Von Miller Field at Mile High has a certain ring to it. John Elway would love coming to work every day.
Who do you think it’ll be? Someone from this list or someone we missed?
Post your pick in the comments below!
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